This article is part of a 5-article series, going into more detailed results for my Feminine Energy Quiz. I invite you to take the quiz and come back to read about your current archetype in more detail!
If you received the result of "The Visionary" you're certainly ahead of the curve when it comes to embracing your feminine side.
Deeply in touch with your feminine energy, the Visionary embodies creativity, passion, and self-expression. You are confident in your ability to manifest your desires and nurture both yourself and others. Your energy is magnetic and inspiring.
Personality traits can include being highly creative, emotionally intelligent, expressive, self-aware, and in tune with the cycles of life - your monthly cycle, the moon, the seasons, and deeper emotional, intuitive and spiritual rhythms.
What some perceive as chaos, you know is potential.

The Visionary is a woman who is skilled at bringing the unseen realm into tangibility - through art, dance, music, and beauty. Though, this is not done out of vanity or for the sake of performance, but out of a deep, abiding love and reverence for your creative capacity as a human.
You are in sync with your heart's desires and trust yourself in being able to figure out how to make manifest what some can only imagine. Embracing our creative capacity as a human means that we must walk forward into the dark unknown with love, openness and discernment, and gather what we find along the way, and then turn that which we find into something to be uniquely shared with the world to help light the path for others in their own journey.
This path is unique to each and every one of us.
Being a woman who is more deeply in tune with her feminine energy than the average population, you may find people are magnetically attracted to you - not necessarily just sexually, but people simply enjoy being in your presence. Your work may be in maintaining good energetic and emotional boundaries.
If you don't experience this, your protective pendulum may have swung in the opposite direction; perhaps you only reveal this Visionary side of yourself to those closest to you. You may still be figuring out how to feel anchored in safety in an imperfect & broken world, while still fully expressing your creative nature.
The practices for you may be in discerning how best to channel your Visionary Feminine Energy into art, ideas, and meaningful relationships while maintaining boundaries and balance. Don't allow people to leach onto you, or allow your light to be dimmed; but also don't shelter yourself or put up walls.
Also, reflect on what helps you embody and cultivate this side of you more? Keep doing these things (or, saying 'no' to the things that stifle it!). Some of these practices may help:
1. Cultivate Vision through Reflection
Set aside regular time for meditation or journaling to connect with your intuitive wisdom.
Reflect on your dreams and long-term goals, asking yourself how they align with your values and the greater good.
2. Practice Creative Expression
Engage in an art form that feels natural to you (painting, writing, dancing, etc.) as a way to channel your visionary energy.
Allow your creations to be imperfect but deeply expressive, focusing on the process rather than the result.
3. Connect with Nature
Spend time outdoors to reconnect with the cycles and rhythms of the Earth.
Observe patterns and metaphors in nature to inspire your personal and collective visions.
4. Strengthen Ritual and Intention
Develop small daily or weekly rituals that ground you in your purpose (e.g., lighting a candle, affirmations, or setting intentions).
Use rituals to anchor your visionary practices and bring a sense of sacredness to your goals.
By putting these into practice, you can sense more deeply where you need better energetic boundaries and/or where you can allow yourself to open up your creative side more to the world.
If you haven't taken the Feminine Energy Quiz yet, you can take it here!
If what I’ve shared here has been helpful, and you are ready to deepen your Feminine Energy journey, book a free consultation call here and let’s find out how I can support you with your specific desires!
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Not only will you learn more about how I can help you magnetize your dreams & become more feminine, you’ll also learn about…
How regulating your Nervous System helps increase your Feminine Energy
How to tune into the deep wisdom of your Menstrual Cycle (and, no joke, actually look forward to ‘PMS’!)
What your emotions are actually trying to tell you (and how ALL your emotions have positive intentions!)
How to bring your inner masculine and inner feminine into harmony (instead of being at odds)
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